e-Sanjeevani OPD - New Initiative by MoHFW, Government of India for Hassle-free online doctor consultation with no cost!!!!

During this pandemic, MoHFW (Ministry of Health & Family Wealth), Government of India has introduced an online platform for Indian citizens to avail hassle-free doctor consultation through audio / video at free of cost.

eSanjeevani OPD - a patient to doctor telemedicine system is being deployed nationally at 155,000 Health and Wellness Center under Ayushman Bharat Scheme of Government of India. Please refer enclosed user guide for more information about this exceptional initiative.

About eSanjeevani OPD:
• It is a web-based comprehensive telemedicine solution.
• Aim– It aims to make healthcare services equitable by bridging the digital divide that exists in both       rural areas and isolated communities.
• Types of telemedicine services: This eSanjeevani platform has enabled two types of telemedicine services viz. Doctor-to-Doctor (eSanjeevani) and Patient-to-Doctor (eSanjeevani OPD) Tele-consultations.
• Benefits:  It has made it convenient for people to avail health services without travel.
• It can also be used to provide medical education to interns, people across Various Common Service Centers (CSCs), etc.

Key Features:
It has been designed as a highly customizable and flexible application for the users to choose from the varied specialities such as teleophthalmology, telecardiology etc.
It includes demographic and other patient data like clinical examination reports, physical examination reports along with the patient’s medical history, family’s medical history, etc.
It enables doctors to have a video/audio conversation with the consulting medical experts at the remote end.

Salient features of this citizen friendly National OnlineOPD service (eSanjeevaniOPD):
1. Patient Registration
2. Token Generation
3. Queue Management
4. Audio-Video Consultation with a Doctor
5. ePrescription
6. SMS/Email Notifications
7. Serviced by State’s Doctors
8. Free Service
9. Fully Configurable (no. of daily slots, no. of doctors/clinics, waiting room slots, consultation time limit etc.)

Process Flow to avail this benefit

Registration Process:
Login with https://esanjeevaniopd.in/
User verifies his/her mobile no. using OTP
Fills Patient Registration Form
eSanjeevaniOPD assigns a Patient ID

User requests a token for consultation
Uploads health records, if any
User receives Patient ID & Token through SMS

Closer to the turn eSanjeevaniOPD sends a SMS notification asking user to login
User logs in using Patient ID
Patient enters the clinic and is placed at the end of the existing queue. If there is no queue you will be placed at serial no. 1

Wait Time:
eSanjeevaniOPD assigns a doctor to the patient (time interval depends on the length of the queue)
As the doctor is assigned to the patient “CALL NOW” button gets activated
User is required to click “CALL NOW” button within 120 seconds*
Upon clicking “CALL NOW” within 10 seconds the doctor shows up in video

Interesting Statistics About e-Sanjeevani OPD System:
Average Consultation Duration is 4Mins – 5Mins only
Average Patient Wait Time is 6Mins – 7Mins only
Average of 5000+ consultations are done on daily basis
Tamilnadu secured 1st place with highest consultations through e-Sanjeevani
This service is successfully implemented by 23 states

For any support, please contact Helpline Number:+91-11-23978046 or Email to ncov2019@gov.in 


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! Make use of it and share with your network to get benefit out of it Madam

  2. Very useful, I tried it... Amazing initiative!!!

  3. Very useful, I tried it... Amazing initiative!!!

  4. Very useful, I tried it... Amazing initiative!!!

  5. Good initiative. Just read about it. I am yet to try it. But believe that my idea of getting a second opinion for my health issue will be solved here. I may find solutions for my uncleared doubts.

    1. Yes Madam! It is one of the greatest initiative by our government and very useful for community during this pandemic situation!!!!



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